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At Outsortia, we are at the forefront of leveraging technology to help our Clients achieve their workforce goals whether insourced or outsourced.

service offerings

Intelligent Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

The challenge of hiring today is firstly about discovery – how do you whittle down and find your target employee from perhaps thousands of applicants?  The second challenge is logistics.  To be competitive, you have to be able to recruit from all over the country or even around the world. 

Our intelligent ATS is built to handle hiring for the internet age.  We use artificial intelligence technology to rank thousands of CV so you can select the best suited targets.  Do they pass the “eye-test”? Our one-way video solution can record the candidates answering questions independently while you have your morning coffee.  You can watch the video or read the transcript later for the ones who pass our pre-filtering screen.  Finally, you can conduct a realtime video interview with both the candidate and interview team situated anywhere across the country without leaving your desk.  We make hiring at scale stressfree; you’ll be amazed. 

Comprehensive HR Management System (HRMS)

Our HRMS has one of the most comprehensive feature-sets you will find on the market and provided to you at an affordable cost.  HR management is a mulit-faceted operation that is critical to the success or failure of your business.  Most companies recognize the need to computerize their HR processes but acquiring a complete solution is expensive and complicated to manage.  They often start with a limited solution which can’t handle all their processes but as business grows, the processes that haven’t been digitized or integrated with the rest make HR inefficient and a source of frustration and even anger for both management and employees.

Our HRMS covers all your business processes in a single package at an affordable price.  Yes, we give you the full capabilities right now, no matter how small your business!  That way, your HR solution will serve as an engine for your growth instead of holding you back when it matters most.  Outsourcing the management to Outsortia means that not only is the cost even lower but the headache is gone as well.  Let’s grow together.

Professional Consultations

Please get in touch with us for consultation on all your HR needs. We cover services including: outsourced recruitment, contract staffing, training and capacity building, event management, procurement services, and facilities management among others. 

We are committed to finding a solution and budget that works for you. Contact us at:


Ugoeze Udanoh

Ugoeze Susan is a seasoned Human Resource professional with extensive knowledge and work experiences in Banking, Consulting and Non-Governmental Organizations.

Her career objectives are to improve the productivity and effectiveness of organizations by contributing to the development of their Human Resource and Administrative capabilities.

She is particularly committed to employee welfare but holds that in balance with consideration for the employer’s financial constraints and goals.

Experienced in policy writing, organizational communication, outsourcing models, project management and stakeholder management.

She enjoys socializing, entrepreneurship and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Rinji Rankim

Rinji is a motivated and resourceful Management Executive with keen interest in developing and strengthening teams for the purpose of maximizing efficiency and business profitability.

Working closely with Management and Accounting staff, his focus is typically on accounting and payroll processes, internal and external audit exercises, and implementation of book-keeping solutions.  He also contributes to overall administration and project management on a wide range of client initiatives. 

His leadership style is strong on accountability but, with amiable communication skills, he always succeeds in establishing a respectful relationship with clients, personnel and other stakeholders to work with resolve towards fulfilling their commitments.  

In addition to a number of philanthropic pursuits, Rinji is also a professional farmer who finds being out in the fields to be energizing and therapeutic.